The article is dedicated to study the identity and content study of one of the important professional competencies of future costume designers - artistic design. The author understands it as the designer’s ability to develop a project idea based on a conceptual and creativity to solve a design goal. Without all this, today a designer cannot be in demand and competitive in his professional area. This type of professional competence, according to the author of the article, is the least developed in the general structure of the professional training of future costume designers based on Kazakhstani materials.
To prepare specialists of any profile, each country is looking to create its professional personnel based on national values, especially relevant for culture and art.
From this point, the author of the article is convinced that the artistic and design competence of future costume designers as an integral quality of a person in Kazakhstani universities should be based not only on modern theories to create competencies theory, but also on the national component. The latter in costume design is understood as a whole complex of knowledge in the national clothes (the semantics of the costume and its decor, the features of headdresses, and much more). Therefore, the structure of the artistic and design competence of future costume designers, the most important is the national component, integrated into the professional training system. This competence is formed in several special disciplines: “Costume History” and “Material science of textile materials”, which take an important place in the education system of future costume designers.
The aim of this study is to develop and substantiate the identity and content of the artistic and design competence of future costume designers