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Pedagogy and Psychology

Features of the formation of communication activity of hearing-impaired students in the process of joint art-felting training

Published December 2021
КазНПУ им.Абая

The article considers the features of the formation of meaningful components of
communication of hearing-impaired students of grades 5-7 in the conditions of joint training in the
national applied art -felting. The methods of social activity of students based on the formation of
creative knowledge and correction of physical state by means of art felt are described. The main idea
of the education of hard-of-hearing students is the preservation of residual auditory qualities, an
increase in vocabulary in the development of independent communication skills, the ways of
providing special psychological and pedagogical support in the process of teaching and upbringing,
through the art of national felting, are described. The specific of the art - felting process as an effective
joint activity of children with hearing impairments is substantiated. Experimentally revealed: features
of the formation of speech communication of hearing-impaired students in the subject-practical
classes "Artistic work"; the importance of national art - felting in the activation of speech and
cognitive joint activity of students. The results of compensatory capabilities of students with hearing
impairments in the process of learning the national applied art – felting are demonstrated.

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How to Cite

Абдуллина К., Жиенбаева Н. Features of the formation of communication activity of hearing-impaired students in the process of joint art-felting training // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2021. – № 4(49). – С.218–228: DOI: 10.51889/2021-4.2077-6861.26 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 3.07.2024)