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Pedagogy and Psychology

Preparing future teachers to work in an inclusive education environment

Published September 2022
НАО «Северо-Казахстанский университет им.М.Козыбаева»

In the article, the authors consider the issues of teaching students of the pedagogical direction at the university in order to prepare them for work in an inclusive education. The components of the professional competence of the future teacher, including inclusive competence, are considered. The article presents the experience of training bachelors of pedagogical direction at the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev, in particular, describes the model of educational programs, its results, shows changes in the content of training future teachers through the introduction of the module of inclusive competencies into the educational process, reveals the topics and sections of the disciplines included in this module, tasks for independent work of students. The results presented in the article suggest that the study of special disciplines at the university, the formation of students ' system-structural understanding of the object of their activity, allow them to prepare future teachers for work in inclusive education.

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How to Cite

Квасных Г., Пустовалова Н., Колесникова Г. Preparing future teachers to work in an inclusive education environment // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2022. – № 3(52). – С.164–172: DOI: 10.51889/2680.2022.76.73.018 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 3.07.2024)