The problem of developing the scientific potential of higher education, by improving the organization of research activities of students in universities in Russia and Kazakhstan, does not lose its relevance. The content of pedagogical activity includes the conduct of scientific research in various areas, which is considered not just as a teacher’s right, but above all, as his professional duty. For students of biological specialties of pedagogical universities, one of the basic disciplines, in the learning process of which it is possible to introduce students to research activities from the first year, is zoology. In the conditions of steppes and semi-deserts of Kazakhstan, where small mammals and related ecto-and endoparasitic animals dominate, zoological research in the field of parasitology is of particular relevance. Until recently, the development of parasitology in Kazakhstan was given great importance. Today, for a number of reasons, the spectrum of research in this direction has significantly decreased, which may adversely affect sanitary welfare and public health, livestock productivity, and rational nature management. An analysis of psychological and pedagogical works allows us to conclude that the interest in students’ research activities as a subject of study is increasing. The authors rethink its forms and directions. However, studies on the formation of research activities of students by means of parasitology and other zoological disciplines have not been conducted. The article notes that research activities are technological. Therefore, the set goals should be organized in the form of a taxonomy and focused on the result. The stages and connections between educational and research activities of students in the field of parasitology are revealed, its directions, forms of organization, and criteria for the formation of research activities are substantiated.
Development of scientific research activity at students as a result of studying of zological disciplines
Published March 2020
How to Cite
Ибраев Д., Сухорукова Л., Мынбаева Б., Габдуллин Е. Development of scientific research activity at students as a result of studying of zological disciplines // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2020. – № 1(42). – С.86–96: DOI: 10.51889/2020-1.2077-6861.11 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 22.01.2025)