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Pedagogy and Psychology


Published September 2023
Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая

The article is devoted to the description of the digital competencies of pedagogical workers necessary for work in the modern educational space. The authors cite well-known structures of digital competencies, analyze them and highlight their own set of key competencies that contribute to the improvement of successful pedagogical activity. Also the article is devoted to possible approaches to the formation of digital competencies of future teachers in a university based on the development of modern, relevant and deeply developed content, educational, methodological and information support.

The relevance of this article is due to the influence of the digital economy on the formation of a set of key competencies and the training of specialists in demand in the modern society. Most models and structures are focused on determining the level of digital competencies of university teachers, that is, a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for a teacher to use technology effectively. The influence of the digital economy on the formation of a set of key competencies and the training of in-demand specialists in the modern world. The article discusses the most common approaches to the structure of the competency model of workers in demand in industry 4.0, including behavioral and digital skills. The analysis of the possibility of achieving certain performance indicators in the field of vocational education was carried out and, on this basis, the limitations in the development of digital competencies of university graduates were shown. In order to form a unified approach, various interpretations of the characteristics of digital competencies in Kazakhstan and foreign countries are presented. To analyze the possibility of creating a digital educational environment at universities, the level of digital literacy of modern future teachers was assessed.

At the end of the work, the authors conclude that the possession of digital competencies increases the competitiveness of future teachers in the educational space, which contributes to an increase in the success of teaching. 



How to Cite

Zhunusbekova A., Zelvys R., Askarkyzy S., Bekzhanova B. THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL COMPETENCIES AMONG TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF TRANSITION TO THE «UNIVERSITY 4.0» // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2023. – № 3(56). – С.88–97: DOI: 10.51889/2960-1649.2023.15.3.010 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 27.07.2024)