The article reveals the problems of modern education in the development and upbringing of a child's creative potential. The working tasks of the study, the tested system are set and disclosed. The relevance and practical significance of the research work is determined. A brief literary review is given. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the methods of teaching creativity in a modern school, which determined the problematic nature of a number of educational, methodological and educational forms: If the way of developing the creative potential of the younger generation is correctly determined in the system, then one can get the opportunity for professional orientation and, as a result, the achievement of professional higher education with a creative bias - design, architect. The methods and techniques used in organizing and conducting classes in creative disciplines are revealed. The importance of continuity in the upbringing of a creative personality is substantiated. Examples are given on the basis of the work of the school of children's creativity "Oner". The purpose of the research work is revealed. Its results are analyzed.
Development of children's creative potential in art classes through the continuity of age levels of students
Published March 2024
How to Cite
Фомина Т., Каримова П., Костикова И. Development of children’s creative potential in art classes through the continuity of age levels of students // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2024. – № 1(58). – С.43–50: DOI: 10.51889/2960-1649.2024.58.1.005 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 13.09.2024)