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Pedagogy and Psychology

Uzbek kobuz and works performed on it

Published June 2020



Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory

This article is devoted to the bowed chordophone with two hair strings-the kobuz of the Uzbek people. There is a lot of historical data about this instrument, as well as performances for it. Currently, the instrument is no longer used in music practice.

The article touches upon the environmental and performance features of this instrument. The author addresses the comparative-typological, comparative-historical and system-etnophonic (J. Maciejewski) methods.

In this article, we pay attention to the repertoire of the Uzbek kobuz. We are interested in two plays – «Botir kui» and «Nai Chalysh». The first of them was created by Korkut. Based on individual performance capabilities, attempts have been made to identify some of the performance features of these kuis. This work is preliminary and requires in- depth study.

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