In the school curriculum of physical education, wrestling, as a section of the “Martial Arts” sport, refers to national traditions, which are jointly developing with national culture. Educating the younger generation in the spirit of heroism, honor, courage – this sport is designed for high school children. Widely applying in the life and social life of nomads, this traditional sport is mainly found at various feasts, games, commemorations and other cultural events as a kind of sports. The source of ancient pastimes, where agility, strength, heroism, courage are forged. Among the peoples of the world, wrestling as an indicator of mass games has common historical roots with other games. But, each country has its own types of struggle, their methods are different. Types of struggle with the emergence, formation, development, flowering and stages of improvement remain as a historical national and valuable heritage. Without diminishing the traditions and values of the types of struggle in the civilized world, various events are being successfully promoted, which will further promote the good goals of mankind. With the acquisition of independence, Kazakhstan began to successfully develop and succeed in the world arenas of the national wrestling «Qazaq Kuresi».
Technical methods of teaching types of wrestling in the lessons at the heart of the struggle Qazaq kuresy
Published June 2020
How to Cite
Советханов А., Ташболатов С., Шыныбек Н., Әшімханов Ғ., Айтбаева Ф. Technical methods of teaching types of wrestling in the lessons at the heart of the struggle Qazaq kuresy // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2020. – № 2(43). – С.179–185: DOI: 10.51889/2020-2.2077-6861.23 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 1.04.2025)