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Pedagogy and Psychology

Theoretical foundations of the quality management of the didactic process in school

Published June 2020



Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University

The theoretical foundations of quality management of the didactic process in school are defined. The urgency of the problem of quality management of didactic process in the context of humanization and the technologization of education, reveals the essence of basic categories and concepts in the field of quality management of didactic process. The correlation of the concepts: goal, result and quality is defined, and the concept of «quality of the didactic process»is widely considered. The distinctive feature of the technology «three-Dimensional methodical system of training» from other pedagogical technologies and the effectiveness of its implementation in the educational process is shown.

Based on the requirements of this technology, the quality of learning of educational material by each of the students increases, and an objective assessment of the level of personal development is guaranteed. The main feature of this technology is that it is mandatory to organize a feedback stage. It consists of multi-level measurement tasks for each topic. The goals of the learning levels are gradually becoming more complex and are set clearly with a forecast of the expected intermediate results.

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How to Cite

Кобдикова Ж., Дінсламова Ұ. Theoretical foundations of the quality management of the didactic process in school // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2020. – № 2(43). – С.29–36: DOI: 10.51889/2020-2.2077-6861.04 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 1.04.2025)