The article is focused on the problem of online education effectiveness. The introduction considers conditions for transition of education to a remote mode and distance interaction between students. The main part contains a detailed description of activities organized by university authorities which were aimed at improving teachers literacy in the field of online education at D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University. It describes practice of teaching languages at a technical university on OpenedX platform. The article also analyses OpenedX platform capabilities and describes already developed course which was launched last academic year. Language disciplines are successfully taught at a technical university in a mixed mode which includes asynchronous learning of materials structured on OpenedX platform as well as synchronous learning (conversations, conferences, seminars, on the appropriate platforms (BigBlueButton, Zoom, GoogleMeet).
Online education: new reality (experience of developing online courses)
Published March 2022
online format
new technologies
language education
communication between student and teacher
modular training programs
distance forms
interactivity of online learning
How to Cite
Сурова Д., Сарсембаева А. Online education: new reality (experience of developing online courses) // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2022. – № 1(50). – С.188–200: DOI: 10.51889/2022-1.2077-6861.20 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 22.01.2025)