Негізгі мазмұнға өту Негізгі шарлау мәзіріне өту Сайттың төменгі деректемесіне өту
Педагогика және психология

Features of stress resistance of teenagers participating in the activities of the theater club

Жарияланған March 2024
МКТУ им.Х.А.Ясави

The discourse undertakes an examination of the imperative task of fostering stress resilience among adolescents engaged in theatrical endeavors. The cultivation of individual stress resilience is facilitated through the intermediaries of emotional and social intelligence. The involvement in expressive pursuits, such as the performing arts, affords adolescents extensive opportunities for the enhancement of self-reflective capabilities and artistic proficiency. Predicated upon the empirical data procured, it can be posited that active participation in a theatrical ensemble contributes significantly to the augmentation of an individual's overall stress resistance. This phenomenon is ostensibly attributable to the amelioration of the adolescent's emotional intelligence. To substantiate this conjecture, an evaluation of emotional intelligence levels was conducted within both control and experimental cohorts. The findings reveal heightened levels of emotional intelligence among participants in the acting group, particularly in the domains of interpersonal emotional intelligence and emotion management. These facets of emotional intelligence undergo active refinement during rehearsal sessions and public performances. The study's outcomes signify that adolescents engaged in theatrical pursuits encounter comparable stress and anxiety as their counterparts but exhibit superior self-regulation mechanisms vis-à-vis anxiety, thereby evincing a capacity for more efficacious decision-making.

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Дәйексөздерді қалай жазу керек

Ибраева А., Abdigapbarova U., Gelisli Y. Features of stress resistance of teenagers participating in the activities of the theater club // Педагогика және психология. – 2024. – № 1(58). – С.67–72: DOI: 10.51889/2960-1649.2024.58.1.008 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: https://journal-pedpsy.kaznpu.kz/index.php/ped/article/view/1693 (дата обращения: 3.07.2024)