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Pedagogy and Psychology

Mediation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: psychological and legal support

Published March 2020
"Turan-Astana" University

This article discusses the problems and prospects of the development of the mediation institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as its psychological and legal support. The characteristic features of mediation, its principles, the procedure and status of the mediator are analyzed. The benefits of mediation over litigation are highlighted. The main problem of the development of mediation is identified and justified - the lack of an integrated and systematic approach, both in the legislative regulation of these procedures and in the practical activities of state bodies and public society. One of the important steps in improving the legal system should be the development of one of the elements of restorative justice - mediation. Based on the research, the author proposed the introduction of out-of-court settlement of offenses, due to the humanization of criminal policy and the need for procedural procedures.

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How to Cite

Кайдарова З., Иманбаев С. Mediation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: psychological and legal support // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2020. – № 1(42). – С.133–139: DOI: 10.51889/2020-1.2077-6861.17 [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 3.07.2024)