Pedagogy and Psychology 2024-07-01T16:42:24+06:00 Килыбаев Талгат Берикказиевич Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The journal "Pedagogy and Psychology"</strong> of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University is a republican scientific and methodological edition. The journal was founded in 2009.</p> <p>The main thematic focus of the journal "Pedagogy and Psychology" is the problems of the current state of all education levels.</p> <p>Research, analytical, scientific and methodological articles reflecting the results of fundamental and applied research corresponding to the subject of the journal, as well as review articles with a clear indication of the conceptual position of the author(s) are accepted for publication.</p> <p><strong>Thematic directions of the journal:</strong></p> <p>- Innovations and problems of development of modern education</p> <p>- Psychological and pedagogical problems of training specialists</p> <p>- Current problems of inclusive and special education.</p> <p><strong>The mission of the journal is</strong> to attract scientists and educators to an open discussion of current problems of education, science; to support creative initiatives in the field of educational policy, theory and practice, to promote the integration of the activities of domestic and foreign scientists and teachers to improve the system of higher, secondary, general, additional and vocational education.</p> <p>The target audience of the journal: the teaching staff of universities; academic staff and experts in the field of preschool, secondary, vocational and higher, postgraduate education; doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates and students of Kazakhstan and foreign universities and scientific and educational institutions, school teachers, teachers of additional education, etc.</p> <p>The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for getting degree and academic title by The Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education.</p> <p>The journal is included in the republican system of the Scientific citation index – the Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazCD).</p> <p>The journal "Pedagogy and Psychology" was established by the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (KazNPU named after Abai) and registered with the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.</p>