Pedagogy and Psychology 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Килыбаев Талгат Берикказиевич Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The journal "Pedagogy and Psychology"</strong> of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University is a republican scientific and methodological edition. The journal was founded in 2009.</p> <p>The main thematic focus of the journal "Pedagogy and Psychology" is the problems of the current state of all education levels.</p> <p>Research, analytical, scientific and methodological articles reflecting the results of fundamental and applied research corresponding to the subject of the journal, as well as review articles with a clear indication of the conceptual position of the author(s) are accepted for publication.</p> <p><strong>Thematic directions of the journal:</strong></p> <p>- Innovations and problems of development of modern education</p> <p>- Psychological and pedagogical problems of training specialists</p> <p>- Current problems of inclusive and special education.</p> <p><strong>The mission of the journal is</strong> to attract scientists and educators to an open discussion of current problems of education, science; to support creative initiatives in the field of educational policy, theory and practice, to promote the integration of the activities of domestic and foreign scientists and teachers to improve the system of higher, secondary, general, additional and vocational education.</p> <p>The target audience of the journal: the teaching staff of universities; academic staff and experts in the field of preschool, secondary, vocational and higher, postgraduate education; doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates and students of Kazakhstan and foreign universities and scientific and educational institutions, school teachers, teachers of additional education, etc.</p> <p>The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for getting degree and academic title by The Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education.</p> <p>The journal is included in the republican system of the Scientific citation index – the Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazCD).</p> <p>The journal "Pedagogy and Psychology" was established by the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (KazNPU named after Abai) and registered with the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.</p> USE OF EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS ROLE-PLAY GAMES IN THE FORMATION OF UNIVERSAL COMPETENCIES OF FUTURE GEOGRPHY TEACHERS 2023-01-25T12:10:45+06:00 Sanat Kumarbekuly Ilgizar Gaisin Gulfat Kalelova Zhamal Igissinova <p>This article considers one of the fundamental goals of the systems-activity approach to learning to be to arouse students' interest in the subject and the learning process, to develop skills for self-education and research activities, to form functional literacy and professional and universal competences. All this is possible only when learning activities are based on the principles of cooperation and differentiated learning.</p> <p>Business role-play games as one of the types of system-activity approach brings its "revitalization" to the training session, helps to perform new tasks related to design, planning, reflection. It gives an opportunity to develop communicative skills of students, to work in a team, to set and solve project tasks. It is quite an effective professional method of a teacher, which is used to solve a certain range of pedagogical tasks.</p> <p>Every day a teacher is faced with various situations in which he/she cannot be only an executor, but in each particular case must make independent decisions, be a creator of the educational process. Pedagogical activity always implies creativity. Among various active methods that are used in educational practice, we would like to single out a business role-play game, as it activates thinking activity and develops creative abilities of students.</p> <p>Play activities help to activate students' creative and intellectual potential, to gain experience that can come in handy in life. Role-playing gives children a unique opportunity to imagine themselves in different life situations, to model their behavior depending on the role they have taken on. It brings learning closer to the real reality, requiring from the student interaction, creativity and initiative. Game accompaniment of the study of the material allows you to maintain a constant high interest in students to the content of the course, activates their independent activity, forms and strengthens the practical skills.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology METHODS OF FORMING THE CORPORATE CULTURE OF FUTURE TEACHERS AT THE UNIVERSITY 2023-08-23T16:08:15+06:00 Makpal Baketova Galiya Taubayeva Асем Булшекбаева <p>The article is devoted to the problem of forming the corporate culture of future teachers in higher educational institutions. Student corporate culture is considered as a complex and multifaceted concept associated with the corporate culture of the University and the internal culture of students. According to the authors, student corporate culture affects the process of training specialists and performs several functions. The most important of them is the educational function.</p> <p>The problem of forming a corporate culture at a Pedagogical University is becoming especially relevant. Future teachers and psychologists must solve educational tasks in close cooperation with colleagues, students of educational institutions, therefore, they must learn to build harmonious relationships with different people, be able to work in a team.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology Self-educational competence of subjects of education as a prerequisite for achieving learning outcomes 2023-06-23T12:45:28+06:00 Адлет Кариев Raisa Serezhnikova Yelena Agranovich Larissa Ageyeva Aziza Zhunusbekova <p>In modern conditions, the quality of higher education does not depend on the volume of an individual's actual knowledge, but on his / her mastery of key competencies, one of which is self-educational competence as indicated in the modernization strategies of Kazakhstani and Russian education. The formation of students' self-educational competence is influenced by the design of learning outcomes as a complex ability for continuous professional self-development of subjects of higher education. The development of self-educational competence is determined not so much by fixed learning outcomes as by the ability to determine and plan the necessary time to achieve the best learning outcomes. The purpose of the article is to present a methodology for determining the time to achieve learning outcomes based on a mathematical model in the process of self-educational activity of subjects of an educational organization of higher education.</p> <p>The study was conducted on the basis of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) and the State University of Humanities and Technology (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russian Federation). The results of the study were obtained on the basis of a comparative analysis of the development of self-educational competence of the subjects of the Kazakh and Russian educational organizations of higher education, the method of designing the applied orientation of teaching pedagogy, the mathematical method using the "didactics equation". The following methods were used: theoretical analysis, comparison, survey, expert observation.</p> <p>The criteria for the manifestation of self-educational competence by future specialists have been defined: subjective (the student's awareness of the content and functions of self-educational competence, the innovative orientation of the individual); instrumental (predictive skills, information and analytical skills, organizational skills). According to the results of scientific research of the subjective activity of students of the Kazakhstani university, an underestimation of the importance of the formation of algorithmic skills for monitoring the achievements of learning outcomes was revealed: 58% of future teachers have a low level of self-educational competence; 44% of students have difficulties in self-planning self-educational activities. 38% of Russian university students were found to be unable to independently choose an algorithm of actions when planning and controlling the time of self-educational activities and productively implement it in the course of the module "Innovative technologies of educational activity". A mathematical method has been developed using the "didactics equation" (M.I. Poteyev), which allows determining the necessary time for effective learning in the process of self-educational activity of university students.</p> <p>The self-educational competence of subjects of higher education, as shown by a study at a Kazakhstani university, is not significantly manifested. A study at a Russian university revealed that the nature of the traditionally implemented types of pedagogical control does not ensure the identification of the required quality of development of self-educational competence that contributes to the achievement of learning success. Thus, the pedagogical task of developing the self-educational competence of future specialists can be solved by means of a mathematical method using the "didactics equation". &nbsp;</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology Metric indicators for evaluating educational initiatives in the context of continuous professional development of a teacher 2024-02-28T21:53:34+06:00 Даража Исабаева А.Е. Сагимбаева Ш.Т. Шекербекова Н.Т. Ошанова Д. Садирбекова <p>This article is an analysis of metric indicators used to evaluate the educational initiative of a teacher in the context of continuous professional development. Using metric tools, the authors highlight the effectiveness and impact of initiatives on the professional development of teachers, highlighting key parameters within the framework of motivational-value, operational-activity and reflection-evaluation components. The work is designed to provide a systematic approach to measuring and evaluating educational initiatives, contributing to a more accurate understanding of their impact on the development of the educational process and improving the professional competence of teachers. The presented analysis of metric data contributes to the development of effective strategies to support and improve educational initiatives.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology The study of the new philosophy and technologization of the modern education system (comparative and structural analysis) 2023-02-19T02:21:23+06:00 Салима Сейтенова A.M. Ussenova A.K. Kazetova S.S. Nabidollina <p>Global changes on a global scale have influenced the fact that modern education has changed its philosophy of development. This was facilitated by completely new technologies that the society was forced to accept and include in the learning process.&nbsp; The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the largest disruption in the history of education systems. It has affected almost 1.6 billion students in over 190 countries and on every continent.</p> <p>The purpose of the article is to present comparative data on the criteria indicators of the education system that influenced the change in philosophy and the process of technologization. The main reason is the spread of coronavirus infection around the world. We chose non-experimental methods as the main research methods (according to B.G. Ananiev): comparative and structural methods.</p> <p>The results obtained are changes in the state of education before the pandemic and during it.&nbsp; These include: number of children affected by school closures worldwide, Funding Gap to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (Quality Education) before COVID-19 (in US$ millions), annual fluctuations in the human development index and transition to new learning technologies. In Kazakhstan, the overall picture is presented related to distance and television learning.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology Student preferences for content in online learning environments: an analysis of engagement factors 2022-09-30T11:10:45+06:00 Нурсултан Жакупов Ainur Seitkhanova <p>Distance learning has become a salvation for the educational sphere during a pandemic. One of the methods of this training is online courses. Although online courses were popular before the epidemic, they were mainly aimed at university students. In this article, we define the types of content and features for creating online courses for secondary school students. In addition, the relationship between the materials used by teachers and those preferred by students was determined. The data was obtained by observing lessons and interviewing students aged 14-17 at a school in the UK. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that students prefer to receive information in the form of videos, images and presentations. Possibilities for progress data, feedback and commenting on lessons were identified as functions. The findings of the study can be used by secondary school teachers to create online courses in school subjects or to create content in preparation for exams.</p> <p><em>Keywords:</em> distance learning, online learning, web-lessons, teaching services, online courses.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology Self-realization as a form of manifestation of the abilities of teachers of innovative schools 2023-09-28T09:30:10+06:00 K.S. Kudaibergeneva Мейрамгуль Булакбаева E.K. Borankulov <p>The article deals with the problems of self-realization of one's own capabilities of a creative person. The essence of self-realization has analyzed based on existential, immanent and active approaches and value orientations of a person's individual free choice of a life path. On the basis of the universal principle of determinism, where a person is considered as "a whole system of internal conditions", a conceptual position of self-realization is proposed: - self-realization as an experience in relation to reality; self-realization as a goal in relation to the possibility; self-realization as a manifestation of the possibility in relation to the innovation movement, as well as a model of self-realization, reflecting the relationship of the past, present and future through experience, opportunities, innovative activity.</p> <p>Basis on empirical analysis, methodological directions for the study of self-realization based on an individual and activity approach are determined as a <em>manifestation of practical identity</em>, as <em>an innovative challenge </em>with new and alternative ways of activity, as <em>an experience </em>in the self-government system of socio-pedagogical transformations. The features of the experiment are noted, which are aimed not only at studying some kind of reality, but also at the formation of a certain life situation in conditions of free self-expression, and the meaning is not in “achieving the goal”, but in the realization of creative abilities. The technology of generating problem situations in the joint activity of the subjects and the experimenter has presented.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology Methodology of cognitive learning of pupils during the physics lesson with augmented reality 2023-04-13T11:40:16+06:00 Beken Arymbekov S.K. Kodanova K. Fedus Y.R. Tursanova M. Turdalyuly N. Suprapto <p>This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of augmented reality in improving cognitive learning during the physics lesson skills of high school pupils in Ili district. The study also takes into account the pupils' initial physical skills as a factor influencing their learning and cognitive learning skills. The research method used is laboratory experiment with a quantitative approach, and the sample includes 75 randomly selected 9th grade high school pupils. The data collection method involves administering a cognitive learning during the physics lesson, skills test, and the test results are analyzed using statistical tests, such as a normality test and Linkert test. The results of the study demonstrate that using augmented reality has a positive impact on improving the cognitive learning during the physics lesson skills of pupils compared to conventional learning methods. The improvement in cognitive learning skills is more significant for pupils with higher initial physical skills. This finding highlights the potential of augmented reality in enhancing pupils' cognitive learning skills in physics education. Overall, this research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on the effectiveness of augmented reality in promoting pupils' cognitive learning skills, specifically in the field of physics education.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology Development of children's creative potential in art classes through the continuity of age levels of students 2022-12-06T12:31:55+06:00 Татьяна Фомина P.M. Karimova I.I. Kostikova <p>The article reveals the problems of modern education in the development and upbringing of a child's creative potential. The working tasks of the study, the tested system are set and disclosed. The relevance and practical significance of the research work is determined. A brief literary review is given. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the methods of teaching creativity in a modern school, which determined the problematic nature of a number of educational, methodological and educational forms: If the way of developing the creative potential of the younger generation is correctly determined in the system, then one can get the opportunity for professional orientation and, as a result, the achievement of professional higher education with a creative bias - design, architect. The methods and techniques used in organizing and conducting classes in creative disciplines are revealed. The importance of continuity in the upbringing of a creative personality is substantiated. Examples are given on the basis of the work of the school of children's creativity "Oner". The purpose of the research work is revealed. Its results are analyzed.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology The usage of interactive methods for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of primary school students 2023-08-31T16:07:50+06:00 Danagul Assylzhanova A.K. Sadykova <p>The article deals with the problem of formation of foreign language communicative competence of primary school students during English language teaching. In modern conditions, changes in the demands of society occur rapidly, the importance of communicative competence increases already in the conditions of primary school education. There is a need to use new forms of education in the process of education. Due to the fact that the skills of interpersonal communication are not sufficiently developed at a young school age, many obstacles arise, due to which the child can become withdrawn, not succeed in the program, or create difficulties for the teacher in the process of teaching the material. The author uses communicative exercises and game tasks, as well as information and communication technologies, interactive electronic books, which can be effectively applied both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, as the main didactic tools for the formation of the communicative competence of younger schoolchildren. The analysis of the results of the experiment allowed us to conclude that the majority of young learners have developed foreign language communicative competence and communication skills, the ability to coordinate efforts in the process of organizing and implementing cooperation.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology Conflict as a component of adolescent development 2023-09-21T12:41:38+06:00 Yerkyn Zhumankulova Gulzhan Orazaeva G. Salgarayeva <p>The article discusses the influence of intrapersonal conflict on the formation of asocial behavior of teenagers. Attention is paid to the specific behavior of adolescents with special needs who are studying in conditions of inclusion. Ways of overcoming asocial behavior, through the work of a psychologist with teenager, family are considered.</p> <p>The article provides a brief analysis of the studies of conflict and the role of the family in the prevention of antisocial behavior of adolescents. An analysis was made of statistical data on offences committed by children in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the number of families with low subsistence levels. Based on the results of the analyses, the article provides a comprehensive program of work with asocial teenagers and their families for the prevention and correction of asocial behavior.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology FEATURES OF STRESS RESISTANCE OF TEENAGERS PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE THEATER CLUB 2024-03-19T10:27:19+06:00 Асылзат Ибраева Ulzharkyn Abdigapbarova Y. Gelisli <p>The discourse undertakes an examination of the imperative task of fostering stress resilience among adolescents engaged in theatrical endeavors. The cultivation of individual stress resilience is facilitated through the intermediaries of emotional and social intelligence. The involvement in expressive pursuits, such as the performing arts, affords adolescents extensive opportunities for the enhancement of self-reflective capabilities and artistic proficiency. Predicated upon the empirical data procured, it can be posited that active participation in a theatrical ensemble contributes significantly to the augmentation of an individual's overall stress resistance. This phenomenon is ostensibly attributable to the amelioration of the adolescent's emotional intelligence. To substantiate this conjecture, an evaluation of emotional intelligence levels was conducted within both control and experimental cohorts. The findings reveal heightened levels of emotional intelligence among participants in the acting group, particularly in the domains of interpersonal emotional intelligence and emotion management. These facets of emotional intelligence undergo active refinement during rehearsal sessions and public performances. The study's outcomes signify that adolescents engaged in theatrical pursuits encounter comparable stress and anxiety as their counterparts but exhibit superior self-regulation mechanisms vis-à-vis anxiety, thereby evincing a capacity for more efficacious decision-making.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMOTIONAL CULTURE OF THE FUTURE SOCIAL TEACHER 2023-04-10T18:22:56+06:00 Гульшат Кошжанова Gulbakhira Shirinbaeva Sandugash Tleubay Rassul Koshzhanov <p>This article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of emotional stability of the future special teacher. The method of developing the emotional stability of the future special teacher is revealed. When developing a methodology for developing the emotional stability of a future special teacher, we have developed the following concept: if the necessary professional quality forms a number of components, integral education, then it can develop on the basis of interdisciplinary connections. Emotional stability of the future special teacher as a system of organization of this activity consists of three stages: preparatory, main and final. Also in this article the phenomenon of emotional culture of a special teacher is considered. The conditions, factors, principles of the development of emotional culture of a specialist in a special educational field in the educational process of the university are shown. The emotional culture of a special teacher is an integrative knowledge, emotional-value, cognitive-orientation and activity-practical, represented by the interaction of three subsystems.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS AND KINDERGARTENS IN MONGOLIA 2023-02-06T14:02:55+06:00 Нурбек Разухан НАДЕЖДА ЖИEНБAEВA <p>In the article, the authors consider the issues of ensuring that schools and kindergartens are ready in the context of inclusive education, that is, to study the process and difficulties of developing inclusive schools and kindergartens. The research was conducted using document research methods, questionnaire research methods, focus group interview methods, and the Inclusiveness Index, which guides them through the process of developing inclusive schools and kindergartens.</p> <p>An analysis of a number of official documents on inclusive education of children with disabilities in general education schools and the procedure for inclusion of children with disabilities in preschool education services, approved by the orders of the Parliament of Mongolia, the Government of Mongolia, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the People, the Minister of Education and Science, the Minister of Health.</p> <p>In the study, school No. 12, kindergarten No. 7 of Darkhan-Uul region, school No. 1, kindergarten No. 8 of Dornod region, comprehensive school "Goviin ireedui" of Dundgovi region, kindergarten No. 3, school No. 105 of Songinokhairkhan district of Ulaanbaatar, kindergarten No. 253 "Support group" members are included. The results presented in the article reveal the problems of further accelerating the development process of inclusive schools and kindergartens in Mongolia, eliminating the identified difficulties, effectively providing quality education services for children, and increasing the comprehensive responsibility of the education sector in order to increase the inclusive competence of teachers.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy and Psychology